This is the stuff that I am willing to part with so I can go on my big adventure and move to Los Angeles within the next year!
Sizing, price, and other details are listed in the posts along with photos of the items.
Things will be sold on a first come, first served basis.
All sales are GREATLY appreciated!

I will be adding items sporadically. Wait until I get to the clothes. Ohhh, the clothes.. there are so many.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Talking Alarm Clock

 Alarm clock with multiple alarm sounds, including a speaking voice. Blue backlight, also projects time onto the ceiling.

"The Dark Knight" DVD

 Widescreen version. Rated PG-13. Approx. 153 mins. (2008)

"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" DVD

 Widescreen version. Rated R. Approx. 103 mins. (2005)